学号 |
姓名 |
专业名称 |
学术成果题目、刊物名称、出版时间、署名情况等 |
2020781001 |
杜霖 |
护理学 |
1.Du L, Zhao L, Xu T, Wang Y, Zu W, Huang X, Nie W, Wang L. Blended learning vs traditional teaching: The potential of a novel teaching strategy in nursing education - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nurse Educ Pract. 2022 Aug;63:103354.2022年,第一作者,IF=3.2 2.Du L, Du J, Yang M, Xu Q, Huang J, Tan W, Xu T, Wang L, Nie W, Zhao L. Development and external validation of a machine learning-based prediction model for the cancer-related fatigue diagnostic screening in adult cancer patients: a cross-sectional study in China. Support Care Cancer.2023年,第一作者,IF=3.1 |